Release 0.14.0
Introduced multi-image and multi-PDF files uploads within a single post.
Introduced multi-image and multi-PDF files uploads within a single post.
It is now possible to publish posts enriched by a gallery of multiple images or by a sequence of multiple files in PDF format.
If the post includes several photos or PDF files, only the first five show up, then a number with a plus sign will indicate that there are additional images or files to view.
A post with multiple images can be open in carousel mode directly from a stream, and a PDF can be directly open in the browser from a multi-PDF file.
In the post creation, the multiple selections is supported: hold down the Shift or Command key on a Mac, or the Ctrl key on a PC, while you select multiple images/PDF files to post.
The single image size should not exceed 5MB and the single PDF should not exceed 50MB.
Introduced multi-image and multi-PDF files uploads within a single post.
It is now possible to publish posts enriched by a gallery of multiple images or by a sequence of multiple files in PDF format.
If the post includes several photos or PDF files, only the first five show up, then a number with a plus sign will indicate that there are additional images or files to view.
A post with multiple images can be open in carousel mode directly from a stream, and a PDF can be directly open in the browser from a multi-PDF file.
In the post creation, the multiple selections is supported: hold down the Shift or Command key on a Mac, or the Ctrl key on a PC, while you select multiple images/PDF files to post.
The single image size should not exceed 5MB and the single PDF should not exceed 50MB.