CONSOLE: Analyzing and Exploiting Your Community Data - Social Analytics
This Console Section allows you to define the Social Analytics Dashboard, offering insights into information, trends, and performance at a glance.The Console provides a default dashboard, offering the flexibility to move, modify, remove, or add Dashboard elements at any time.You can also analyze all the data information listed below:
Active Users: Provides an immediate view of users active on the Community over a specified period, comparing it with the total number of registered users. Available periods include 30, 90, and 120 days, with a customizable date range option. Definition for Active Users: Those registered Community users who accessed the service at least once within the last month.Definition for Registered Users: All users who registered since the beginning of the Community activity.
Users Activities: Offers comprehensive information on all Community actions performed by users during a specified date range (default is the last 30 days). Actions include Users Registrations, Unique Accesses, Posts, Comments, Appreciations, Followers, Content shared on other social networks, Private Messages, and Registrations.Once the desired dataset is sorted and extracted, users can export it in CSV or PDF format, print it, hide/show data columns, and add the selection to the Dashboard. A customizable graph is provided where all elements can be shown or hidden, and the graph can also be printed or added to the dashboard.
Per User: Provides information about a single user or users lists (clusters). Information includes Registration Date, Last Login date (dd/mm/yy), Status (Verified, To-Be Verified, Blocked, Deleted), Social Accounts, Tags (clusters where they belong), Posts, Comments, Appreciations, and Categories.
Best Users:Allows identification, contact, and potential reward of the Community's top users. Users can select a data range (default is the last 30 days) and apply filters by category or username. Best users can be determined by factors such as appreciations received, number of posts or comments, followers, posts shared on other social networks, or content viewed.Once the desired information is extracted and displayed, users can export it in CSV or PDF format, print it, hide/show columns, add the dataset to the Dashboard, or send an email to the users list displayed (previously created through the Email Templates function).
Users Retention: Enables identification and contact of users who have abandoned the Community. Users can select a starting date to create a list of users who have not returned to the Community since that date. The list can be sorted by user registration date, last login, Tags (clusters where they belong), or days missing in the Community.Once the desired dataset is displayed, users can export it in CSV or PDF format, print it, hide/show columns, add it to the Dashboard, apply username filters, or send an email to the users list displayed (previously created through the Email Templates function).
Users Engagement: Provides insights into user engagement within the Community. Users can create a list by selecting a data range and specifying the number of visits to the Community during that period. The list can be sorted by registration date, last login, Tags (clusters where they belong), or number of visits.Once the desired information is displayed, users can export the dataset in CSV or PDF format, print it, hide/show columns, add it to the Dashboard, apply username filters, or send an email to the users list displayed (previously created through the Email Templates function).
Contributors: Enables identification and contact of users within specified data ranges (default is the last 30 days, with other options including daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom ranges). The following contributor categories can be identified:
- New Contributors: Users who wrote posts or comments and registered within the specified data range.
- Returning Contributors: Users who wrote posts or comments and registered before the specified data range.
- Silent Readers: Users who did not write any content within the specified data range.
Once the desired information is displayed, users can export the dataset in CSV or PDF format, print it, hide/show columns, add it to the Dashboard, apply username filters, or send an email to the users list displayed (previously created through the Email Templates function).
Loyalty: Allows identification and contact of Community users with a specified loyalty score if the Loyalty Program is activated. Users can select the points range to be applied, generating a list of users with points falling within that range. The users list will include username, email, registration date, last login, and points collected.Once the desired dataset is displayed, users can export it in CSV or PDF format, print it, hide/show columns, add it to the Dashboard, apply username filters, or send an email to the users list displayed (previously created through the Email Templates function).Contents: Provides comprehensive information for a specified data range (default is the last 30 days, with other options including daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom ranges), regarding Community Contents. Users can apply filters based on Content typology (Post or Article) or Category.The available Content lists are:
- Most Commented Contents: Posts or Articles with the highest number of comments.
- Most Appreciated Contents: Posts or Articles with the highest number of appreciations.
- Most Visited Contents: Posts or Articles with the highest number of visits.
- More Engaging Contents: Posts or Articles with the highest combined count of comments, appreciations, and visits.
- Less Engaging Contents: Posts or Articles with the lowest combined count of comments, appreciations, and visits.
- Most Social Shared Contents: Posts or Articles most frequently shared on other social networks.
The Contents information provided in the list includes: Title, Post Author (username), Comments, Appreciations, Views, Post Score (sum of comments, appreciations, and visits), Shares on other social networks.
Polls: Provides comprehensive information about all the Polls within a specified data range (default is the last 30 days, with other options including daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom ranges). Users can filter Polls by Content typology (Post or Article) or apply the Category to which the Polls belong.The Polls information provided in the list includes: Title, Appreciations, Multiple Choices, Opening and Closing Date, and Actions (specifying the percentages of adherence to the choices proposed in the Poll).
Categories: Provides comprehensive information about all the Categories in the Community during a specified data range (default is the last 30 days, with other options including daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom ranges). Users can sort the Categories list by More Contents, More Comments, More Appreciations, More Visits, or Most Engaging.The Contents information provided in the list includes: Posts, Comments, Appreciations, Visits, and the Category Score (sum of posts, comments, appreciations, and visits).Once the desired information is displayed, users can export it in a CSV or PDF file, print it, hide/show columns, and add it to the Dashboard. Remember that Categories can always be managed in the Categories function, such as providing them better SEO or canceling/substituting less performing Categories in the Community.
Reports: Provides fundamental reports for a specified data range (default is the last 30 days, with other options including daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, or custom ranges) to monitor the Community's status and vital signs:
- Retention: Calculates the Community users retained over a specified period, with a comparison to the previous period. It also shows how retention has been calculated and provides graphical information. The Retention Report can be printed or added to the Dashboard.
- Engagement: Calculates the Community users engaged over a specified period, with a comparison to the previous period. Engagement can be filtered by Content Categories. This Report section also shows how engagement has been calculated and provides graphical information. The Engagement Report can be printed or added to the Dashboard.
- Social Density: Calculates the Community users' connections over a specified period, with a comparison to the previous period. It also shows how Social Density has been calculated and provides graphical information. The Social Density Report can be printed or added to the Dashboard.